What we believe!
We believe in God the Creator, who was made known to us in Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit, who guides us and brings the work of God into the world.
We believe that questions and even doubt can be an integral part of our faith journey. We take the Bible seriously, but we don’t interpret it literally.
We believe that doing is as essential as believing, when living our faith. We are called to follow Jesus, not just understand him.
Who we are!
Our congregation comes from a wide range of denominational backgrounds, but faith unites us not divides us.
We are a part of the United Church of Christ (UCC). The UCC is a young denomination formed in 1957, but our history goes back to the first pilgrims who first came to America seeking religious freedom.
The United Church of Christ is the first historically white denomination to:
- Ordain an African American
- Ordain a woman
- Ordain an openly gay man
- Affirm the right of same gender couples to marry
- Be in the forefront of the anti-slavery movement in the Civil Rights Movement
At Faith United Church, it is our missions:
- To be an open, welcoming and inclusive congregation of seekers and believers endeavoring to live our faith in God, and to nurture personal spiritual growth through the teachings and presence of Jesus Christ.
- To promote the growth of our church community, To celebrate our unity in diversity in word and action, though worship, intergenerational fellowship, respect and support for one another.
- To bear witness to our faith by serving our local and world communities through active outreach and mission.